Lake Inn, Songkhla…

…Stay For The Views.

But not much else.

Usually if I’m in the Songkhla/Hat Yai area I stay at the Boom Forest Resort. It’s cheap and cheerful. But, having decided to stop in the area for two nights on this trip, I thought I’d try somewhere new.

The Lake Inn really is right on Songkhla Lake. It couldn’t get any closer…

thailand, lake inn, songkhla

Here’s a room photo from

thailand, lake inn, songkhla

I decided to spend just a teensy-weensy bit more than usual, and splash out for a “Deluxe” room. It was a good plan. As far as I could tell, it was the only room type that had a balcony directly on the lake. It allowed me to pull out a chair and table, and spend much of the late afternoon and evening staring at the ever-changing view. I arrived just before sunset…

thailand, lake inn, songkhla

And I watched the sun set over Ko Yo…

thailand, lake inn, songkhla

I was still there as it started to get dark…

thailand, lake inn, songkhla

…was there when it was almost dark…

thailand, lake inn, songkhla

…and when the stars were shining…

thailand, lake inn, songkhla

Then it was time for supper. I wasn’t happy to find the hotel restaurant was closed. After a long day of driving and tootling, I like to relax in the hotel and retire early with a few beers. As it happened, the hotel did me a favor, as I quickly found I was on the edge of the old town, which is full of restaurants.

Being hungry and thirsty, I picked the first. The Blue Smile is a very short walk from the Lake Inn, and apparently features a rooftop area with lake view…

(photo from their website)

I sat outside at the front (left of photo.) It seemed nice enough on a warm evening. The restaurant is owned by a Canadian/Thai couple. Finding poutine on the menu was a bit of a giveaway.

Food was good. Beer was cold. It rounded out a nice evening. I shall return. But; back to the hotel…

As I wrote at the beginning, you stay there for the views but not much else. It’s a bit old and grubby. Not excessively so, but it really could use some cleaning and renovation. But, I now find it hard to think of staying anywhere else when you can wake up to this…

thailand, lake inn, songkhla

thailand, lake inn, songkhla

…and then wander out the front door to any one of a dozen coffee and breakfast places, also with lake view…

thailand, lake inn, songkhla

I just need to bring some dark glasses to wear when wandering around inside the hotel.

Plus; on my return journey, I had cause not to like the Boom Forest as much as I did. WiFi not working… no hot water late at night… and restaurant closed when it should have been open (and this place is in the middle of nowhere.)

wwiSo, I think I shall be returning to the Lake Inn – for the views and the nearby restaurants. Heck, it’s less than three hours from home… I must just go back next week.


...has been travelling the world for more than sixty years; having lived and worked in five countries and travelled to many many more.

He likes to write about his travels - present and past - along with his other main interests of Drones, Information Technology and Motorsport, and he adds a few general twitterings along the way.

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