The Great Northern Road Trip : Day 0 …

… To The Top Of Thailand & Back.

I’ve been planning this for a long time, and tomorrow is finally post-lockdown set off day.

Weather forecasts have been monitored, and it looks like I can escape the almost continuous dreary days in Southern Thailand to enjoy a couple of weeks of bright sunshine up north.

On the right you can see an outline of my route. I’ll be going clockwise around the northern loop. It should be roughly 4000kms in total.

The idea is to reach the northernmost tip of Thailand, but it looks like that is in no-man’s land between the Thai and Burmese borders. So, I may only get within 500 meters of the tip. Although, if it’s no-man’s land, maybe it’s no longer Thailand beyond the border?

It’s planned at fifteen days, but who knows? I may not fit in all of the “to see” list in that time and I might stay longer. It’ll be that kind of trip. I could miss a few things and add a few things.

My list has 72 “must see” items, so I suspect it’ll be more a case of dropping a few rather than adding. That sounds a bit ambitious, but we’ll see.

Twitterings will not be updated while I’m away. It would be too time consuming, and would probably double or triple the length of the trip. I’ll begin writing as soon as I get back.

I do plan though to add photos regularly to Facebook. So, if you are not already following me, please click on…

All that remains is to load Bert and get some sleep. It needs to be an early start tomorrow.

NEXT: Hua Hin Beaches…


...has been travelling the world for more than sixty years; having lived and worked in five countries and travelled to many many more.

He likes to write about his travels - present and past - along with his other main interests of Drones, Information Technology and Motorsport, and he adds a few general twitterings along the way.

Follow Paul on Facebook.

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