Tag Archives: road trip

Santichon Village, Pai…

…The Great Northern Road Trip 2020 : Day 8

The story starts HERE.

Supposedly this is a genuine Yunan Chinese village, located a few kilometers outside Pai town. But to me it looked like it had been purpose-built as a visitor attraction.

Santichon Village Pai

Buildings are either clay, or stone blocks…

Santichon Village Pai

Santichon Village Pai

Santichon Village Pai

Santichon Village Pai

If you’re feeling silly, you can rent Chinese costumes for your very own photo shoot.

These nice strangers were very confused by the fact a random farang was snapping away. I thought about shouting “For my travel blog” but it was a bit wordy and they may not have understood, so I just shouted the one word that needs no translation … “Facebook.” That produced smiles and thumbs-up all round.

Santichon Village Pai

Also, if the mood should so take you, you can try your hand at archery and rifle shooting (not at the same time.) Safety not included. I stayed well away. Arrows and bullets were flying in all directions.

Santichon Village Pai

And shopping of course is never very far away…

Santichon Village Pai

More views…

Santichon Village Pai

Santichon Village Pai

Santichon Village Pai

wwiI found it all a bit tacky and a bit false, but not excessively so. The buildings were attractive and colorful, the surrounding scenery spectacular, and everyone was having fun. So, it was worth a quick visit.

NEXT: Slices Of Pai…