I’m Going To Shut Up!

Oh stop cheering.  I can hear you you know 🙂

Well, I won’t be offline for too long.  I’m making a trip up north and will be away four or five days, maybe longer if the weather is nice.

I’m heading to a place called Chonburi, or Chon Buri, which is a few kilometers southeast of Bangkok.  I need to be there in order to get my residence visa sorted, so I’ll be making the northward journey in one day.  I’ve never done it before, in fact the part of Thailand between Surat Thani and Bankok is new territory for me, so I plan to break the southbound journey in order to have a good look around.

It’s supposed to be about 580kms on good, mostly four-lane roads, so I think the time estimate on the image below of 9hrs 48mins is a little pessimistic.  Anyways, I hope it is. Obviously they didn’t take into account the weight of my right foot when they figured the time!


Unfortunately, other than a few side trips, I have to take the same road back as I do to get there.  That vertical black line on the map is the Thai-Burma border, and that is something I am definitely not allowed to cross.

But, I should have lots to blog about by the time I get back.  I’m not sure if I’ll blog along the way.  I do have the WordPress app on my iPad, so adding text would be easy, but the iPad will not talk to my camera, so the posts would be pic-less.

Apple products just don’t like to communicate with non-Apple products, and my Canon DSLR is definitely not an Apple product.  If it was, it would be made of smooth brushed aluminum, with a touch LCD screen made of unbreakable glass.  The lenses would have been blessed by the ghost of Steve Jobs, and the thing would have cost ten times as much as it did.  Oh, and of course, it would only talk to other Apple products.

Anyways maybe I can take some iPhone pix, or maybe I can transfer from the Canon to my Android tablet.  Or maybe I’ll focus on touring and relaxing, and y’all can wait a few days.  OTOH it could pee with rain every day and I’ll see nothing.  Let’s see.






...has been travelling the world for more than sixty years; having lived and worked in five countries and travelled to many many more.

He likes to write about his travels - present and past - along with his other main interests of Drones, Information Technology and Motorsport, and he adds a few general twitterings along the way.

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