What – No Sausages?!…

Laem Pra Thap, Thailand

Well; I’d set my heart of having some German sausages for lunch. I know a German guy who runs a restaurant and B&B about 45 minutes north of me. His wife makes great sausages. But when I arrived, the place was well and truly closed. I guess he’d set his heart on some Germans, and had gone home for the summer.

Their place is in a tiny village called Laem (Cape) Pra Thap. It’s as far north as I can go without falling into the Bay of Bangkok. You see, my bit of Thailand actually sticks out into the bay, so if I want to go a long way north, I have to start by going a long way west. It’s not until I’m past Surat Thani Airport that I can head pretty-much straight up the isthmus.

Anyways, Laem Pra Thap is a great place to tootle around, and so tootle I did. There’s some beautiful little bays, and views across to Koh Samui.

In one place I left my flip-flops by the car and ventured onto the sand to take some photographs. That was a painful mistake. At midday the sand must have been 80 degrees, and I almost ended up with kaki goreng for lunch!

Not much more to say really. It was a very pleasant trip in mostly sunny weather. So I’ll leave you with a photo gallery, and I’ll head back there in a couple of months. Perhaps then it’ll be sausage hunting season.

If you think the pics look familiar, well yes, I have been there before, but it never looks the same, although it does always look spectacular. So, please try to enjoy these new ones…



...has been travelling the world for more than sixty years; having lived and worked in five countries and travelled to many many more.

He likes to write about his travels - present and past - along with his other main interests of Drones, Information Technology and Motorsport, and he adds a few general twitterings along the way.

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