Category Archives: Khanom

Sunrise For Mom…

…By The Dawn’s Early Light.

Thailand, Khanom, Beach, Sunrise

Well, that has to be the strangest article title I’ve typed.

But, you see, today in Thailand is a public holiday, to celebrate the birthday of H.M. Queen Sirikit Kitiyakara.

And, as the much revered lady is considered to be the country’s #1 mom, the day is also Mothers Day. It seems the whole country is wearing pale blue “We Love Mom” shirts.

Now, just why that would be in English is beyond me. Any phrase such as “Bike For Dad” or whatever, is usually in English, even though the language is hardly spoken outside the major tourist areas.

Also, most Thai websites seem to have their headings and menu buttons with English text, but when you select a page, you find everything is in Thai. Most mysterious.

None of which has anything to do with sunrises. For some unknown reason, I decided today would be the day I’d take the two minute walk to the beach to watch the sunrise. I’m usually up at dawn, but somehow, coffee and croissants (very much in that order – I can’t eat on an empty stomach) take priority. This morning I looked at the brightening sky, and decided it looked clear-ish, if a little hazy, so I took the short walk.

Thailand, Khanom, Beach, Sunrise

I’m amazed at myself really.

Going out without coffee I would have deemed impossible.

I’m not a morning person anyways, and even though I may roll out of bed at an early hour, I’m not fully awake. That’s probably another reason I eat breakfast some time after finishing coffee. I probably couldn’t make it any earlier. The brain wouldn’t work and I’d end up with fried lettuce on toast, or baked bean croissants. Now there’s a thought.

Thailand, Khanom, Beach, Sunrise

But as you can see, I did make it, and have the photos to prove it. In fact, without the photos I wouldn’t believe I was really there.

Thailand, Khanom, Beach, Sunrise

Thailand, Khanom, Beach, Sunrise

It wasn’t a super-spectacular sunrise, as you can see. It took a while for the sun to appear above the bank of sea fog. But at that time of the morning it was calm and peaceful.

Thailand, Khanom, Beach, Sunrise

Thailand, Khanom, Beach, Sunrise

However; a couple of hours later, when I went for my post-prandial perambulation … Say What? … the peace had been shattered by some jet skiers who had managed to get their truck stuck in the sea. Ha! Serves them right. Hopefully they won’t come back.

Thailand, Khanom, Beach, Sunrise

wwiAnd if that all seems like rather more twittering than usual, well, my excuse is that Google refuses to index any article with less than 300 words. And I’ve just passed 400, so all is good.